So as we are back on line just enough time to tell you about the psycho sheep who entered the arena threatening to take on all comers.
We did hope that she would just jump out of the pig pen without the need to resort to fisticuffs but the sheep had attitude, she meant business and wasn't leaving without a fight. Once she had proper terrorised the pigs I took up the challenge and set forth to carry out an eviction. Initially I had the upper hand and she ran away, like sheep should, and if she carried on running away all would be well as she would find her way through the magic silver portal to the outside world, free of pig.
But as is often the case things did not go to plan and she decided not to chance the honour guard of Bernese Mountain Dogs lined up by the gate watching with interest as events unfolded. In her mind she was faced with certain death and swerving to avoid the "wolves" (its all in her head, Berners are about as wolf like as tortoises) sitting panting by the gate she decided complete defiance was her only option. For the observing canines things took a strange turn and suddenly they were watching their owner, yours truly, running away from a belligerent fleece, and I tell you now it takes a braver man than I to stand his ground when a full size sheep bears down on him at mach 10. The pigs sensing that their time had come were overcome with an attack of bravery and chased sheep, chasing man, watched by Bernese Mountain Dog. Injury was averted when Tracey my beautiful and oh so patient wife appeared like magic with tame alpha male ram Crispen who with a single bleat called the rampaging ewe to heel.
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