As it was such a lovely evening I decided that a quick jog around Bonsai Mountain was in order despite the cuts and bruises from yesterdays prat fall. Half way round I felt good, in fact really good, I was two minutes up on my best time, the sun was shining, the sky was blue, the birds were singing in the trees and with three very happy Bernese Mountain Dogs taking it in turns to trip me up all was well in my world. Until I happened upon the Technohermit, the Bonsai Mountain's human equivalent to fox pooh, hes everywhere. I slowed from a jog to a fat man shuffle, we were going to speak, I could tell.
"Yes mate" (panting)
"Running are you?"
"Not now" (humour wasted)
"Fall over did yer?"
"Yes"(pointing to knees and bionic arm, cuts evidence of gravitational mishap)
"Looks sore"
"Yes"(nodding profusely and trying to move on)
"Well, you're a bit on the heavy side for that aintcha"(he moved on, my audience over)
Ego thoroughly deflated I trudged on. Cheers mate.
1 comment:
challenge him to a race: that usually works for me when people start saying I'm not fit...
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