Its been a weekend marked by death. Rainbow the foal and now Bumble the large lamb in the centre of the above pic. While nothing could be done to avoid Rainbow's demise everything could have been done to avoid Bumble's premature end. The lambs like to sun themselves, usually on the lane, and as we are the only people with any right to drive on the lane then this is no problem. The Bonsai Mountain is covered with trails, footpaths and bridleways, and these prove very tempting to petrol heads on illegal motorbikes. Several times I have challenged garish coloured mad max lookalikes for riding through our yard. Once for deliberately aiming at the horses to make them move, and always too fast. The lame "We are looking for our uncles sheep" cuts no ice and is entirely unconvincing.
No don't get me wrong, I like motorbikes, I had until we moved here a 1000cc superbike, but the, and I will use a technical term here, the dickheads who ride these illegal machines along the highway (no numberplates, so I presume no insurance etc etc) and then onto the common are a menace and give bikers a bad name. So today while Bumble was sunning himself a speed freak raced past and collided with the dozing lamb killing him where he lay. I got there in time to find Easter his mother and Bee sniffing him. Enough is enough. The police have been told this time, and when I speak to them tomorrow I will give the photographs I took of the bikes, and bike number 429, you made our weekend. Cheers mate. I'm glad this weekends over.
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