Sunday, 21 February 2021

Caught short

Not one to be caught out by the politics of world trade or broken supply chains due to Brexit and Covid yours truly had taken the precaution of stockpiling dog food and slowly but surely the little munchkins worker their way through the ton in the feed shed. Thus another ton was ordered as one of the consequences of buying so much in one go we got it trade price, winner! The only problem being that as yours truly does not possess a forklift it has to fall off the back of the lorry and be moved by person power. 
For person read RRMK2 who for some inexplicable reason gave up loafing around on the sofa watching cartoons to assist me move 680kg of tins and 200kg of bags up the steep slope into what is technically the garden to safe storage. 
He couldn't manage the wheelbarrow though, lightweight.
End of play saw a neat pallet load, which was pretty much how it started. 

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