Thursday 10 October 2024

Dez Rez

This is what remains of Mad Keeefs lair, the technohermit has long departed the dwelling he called home for some 60 years and has been moved, much to his chagrin, to sheltered housing in a local town where he has a comfy bed and hygienic conditions.  
You would think then that the County Council who moved him there for his own good would leave the poor chap alone, but no, every month they pester him for money. Yes dear reader this delightful dwelling is classed as his second home by bureaucrats who have the sense of Liz Truss and the self awareness of Boris Johnson. Despite nearly two years arguing with them on his behalf they consider this fit for habitation and charge him in excess of £400 a month for the privilege.  Apparently because it has walls and windows its a dwelling, ignore the fact that the windows are mostly glass free, the walls are painted cardboard and the only amenities are hot and cold rats. There is nothing here that would suggest it should be considered Techno's holiday villa. 
In fairness there is a water supply, a spring located 20 metres from the holly bush 
but if you are brave enough to look inside, this is what you are faced with, not enough room to swing a dead rat!
We left the abode having taken yet another set of pictures for the mindless pen pushers who will no doubt be jealous of Techno's luxury spare home and keen to move in 
and carried on with the evenings ascent of the Bonsai Mountain. 

 The clouds were low, barely 200 metres above sea level, so it was dark and oppressive, much like my attitude to the council tax boffins. 

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