Wednesday 25 May 2022

Quick paint job

Moby our big blue 4x4 is only blue because when we fetched him the manufacturer had no plans to make any military ones like what we had before. 18 months on and look what rolls off the production line, military spec Mobys who have had a paint job the same as Stan. Ah well, blue is a good colour. For now.
Talking of military paint the inner nerd does not have too much time on its hands but has managed to paint up these 
for a game called AK47, which may or may not get played. 
Similarly these smaller vehicles for modern day combat games will most likely get put in a box and forgotten about now they are finished. 
This WW1 Rolls Royce armoured car is finally done and will join all the other 
WW1 desert forces
in boxes in the games room while I work on an even more exciting project. Insulating the house!

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