Tuesday 17 May 2022

Its back!!!

2019 seems like a lifetime ago, but it was the last time the BBMC was held. This annual event involving  a massively pointless man test across almost all of the Black Mountains is a favourite of yours truly for many years.
Hence the early start up the Beer Track out of Llantony Priory 
full of self loathing for being too heavy (again) no training (again) and fighting the urge to punch Keeef in the head who has been training and who has lost weight. 
The weather was incredible, really hot sunny and totally unlike Wales. There have been occasions when I've completed this route in the snow at the same time of year. 
The route varied this year and after 10 miles we were where we usually got to mile 1 so spirits were high 
even though we knew after all the climbs we now had to drop to the valley floor and climb back out onto the peak in the distance, the highest of them in the range.
Things were starting to creak 
but confidence was rising that yours truly would drag his bulk over the finish line in a time close to the last, 30 miles in 10.37.

Halfway DOWN before the big climb back 
the scenery kept my mind off the pain. No it didn't. 
At the top two members of the Longtown Mountain Rescue Team were there to give us encouragement and the great news that we were no actually halfway. This was a bit of a downer actually as my GPS said we were well over halfway. 
Keeef was having toe problems so I gave him my spare spare socks. 
So onwards we trudged in the boiling heat. 
New foals littered the hillsides. 
The 3rd from last Lord Herefords Knob loomed large but past that was Gospel Pass and a water stop. 
There we restocked and a very cheeky labrador ate my last sandwiches which was a tad annoying to say the least. Here we are atop Hay Bluff
and things are unravelling fast, Keeef is very slow. 
And would fall over every mile. This has to be said is slightly funny the first few times but eventually the humour wears thin and its just a boring noise hearing his screams of pain. 
I did give him some sympathy and words of encouragement but they didn't work as much as co codamol and a kick up the arse. 
1 mile on ...he is there if you look. 
Here he is. 
Definitely there, not sure what it was, maybe gout. Whatever it was it added 3 hours to the finish time. 
Finally we were 1 collapse from the end and
crossed the finish line together, still friends and still planning on doing it again. 
One unexpected surprise was a goodie bag given to me by one of our foster carers for being a top bloke. Had something inside it every finisher of the BBMC needs, gin :) 

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