Tuesday 8 March 2022

They grow so fast!

Thanks to a combination of factors, like friends who turned out to be thieves and covid it has been too long since we last went to one of my favourite places, Centre Parks. 
Now much has changed at the Sherwood Forest centre, not least the urinals!
But the cocktails are still fab 
and as usual we kicked of the weekend with a very inept bowling seession.
Before retiring to our luxury villa which has two advantages over home, central heating and no dog hairs!
What is so cool about Centre Parks is that it is entirely kid friendly. 
Our two are growing so fast! Now a lifetime ago I was a climbing instructor so was very keen to get the boys in the climbing wall.
Despite their initial reservations they took to it like a fish to a bicycle and were soon getting disco leg and falling off at every opportunity. 
RRMK2 chose his own route 
while the apprentice followed his dear old dads instructions and was therefore more successful if success is measured in height.  
Now you know when you are old when you can truthfully say I remember this when it was fields, and I do, when I first started going to centre parks in a very fetching aqua shell suit this was the driving range. Its now more villas. 
The post ride snacks have improved with age, this my reward for a very hectic mountain bike thrash about.
While this was my reward for booking a good restaurant. 
The weather was kind to us in our forest lodge
and the apprentice showed me how much his bike handling skills had improved by leading the way along the forest trails. 
The boys also went quadbiking. 
as we all know red ones go faster.
So fast that on the last lap the apprentice decided to 
take the racing line on the corner 
and launch the quad and himself through/over the tyre wall
but managed to walk away smiling while the instructors tried to organise a crane to get it out of the ditch.
There was time for more sedate activities
but the favourite was mountain biking. 

Thanks to everyone who made our going away possible!

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