Saturday 1 September 2012

Red Letter Day

Yesterday was a massive day for Red Kite Fostering, having started from just an idea that fostering children should be done by committed carers supported by well trained and motivated social work professionals and that it would, put simply, change lives, the hard work and dedication of the team bore fruit and having had Ofsted with us for three days monitoring everything, reading everything and interviewing everyone, Red Kite got the highest accolade possible.
This is a far cry from December 2010 when fire, flood, lorries crashing into the office, snow cancelling the grand opening and some petty soul sending mispelt and misinformed hate mail, made us think were we really on the right track.
The culmination of our hard work is the response to the Trust Fund, massive amounts of money is being raised by members of the community through all sorts of sponsored events (the sky dive was cancelled this week due to low cloud, but will be back on soon, the above is a presentation of some money raised by taking part in the BBMC, next year I am doing the 3 peaks, a separate training blog is attached to the margin) and we are so grateful to all those who worked so hard to make Red Kite so successful. This is not the time to rest on our laurels, more is happening behind the scenes and Red Kite will be changing even more lives soon.
And on a day when we though the good news could not be topped, he who cannot be named (eldest son) sent a text to say he had asked his lovely girlfriend to marry him. Thankfully she said yes and we are looking forward to a happy day soon!


spiderlover said...

That's brilliant Tony - the recognition for Red Kite and son's shin-dig - err, wedding. Well done for such a worthy cause......and Red Kite ;)

Tony said...

Yup, all is good in our world :) Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Did you get my e-mail matey?

And of course my congatulations for all the hard work, and the forthcoming event.