Monday 18 July 2011

Something Fishy

The new animal feed is going down well with all the critters at Rock HQ, the universality of it makes it easy in the feeding routine, each critter getting a varied sized portion from the same feed sack. So the rabbits through to Horses all wait patiently for their morning ration. Some like the Ryelands are not so patient and run amok visiting various breakfasts. Several now bear the scars from encounters with irate sows with piglets to feed. The Berners try and sneak mouthfuls, even Stable Sprites apprentice Gremlin tried a strange looking lump which despite his description of the taste we are sure was molasses, bringing to mind the joke who's punchline ends its a good job we didn't step in it.
Preparations are underway for tomorrows adventure that involves moving several ton of pork around the smallholding and the arrival of George.
The cats are the only ones who have not been seen eating the universal feed, they have more refined tastes and they wait patiently on the stone wall outside psychically willing one of us to go outside and place in front of them a pouch of salmon mousse. Its for the Berners really, but the psychic powers of the cats usually prevails.
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