Friday 15 July 2011

Line down

We have been watching with interest the antics of the militia across the fields in from Rock HQ. Huge plant machinery has arrived, a hole the size of a house was dug and filled with various broken bits of farm, including demolished buildings, and then set on fire. In the massive clearance a poly tunnel appeared from amongst the rubble and felled laylandi trees. As I pondered the pros and cons of going over and asking if the said poly tunnel was surplus to requirements the huge yellow digger put paid to any thought of reclamation. Probably just as well as time for new projects is always limited and George is about to arrive which should keep me and my project management skills occupied fully for at least the rest of the year. The Oracle was a bit miffed with the digger crew as they knocked down his telephone pole severing his connection with the world. This reminded us of the forever fix that BT promised last year to our phone line currently held together across valley by blue tac and paper clips. Inevitably our phone line went down yesterday and will not be fixed until next week. So no more TFTR until then. Sorry.

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