Saturday 1 August 2009

Birthday Girl

It was Tracey's Birthday today so smallholding was put on hold, well parts of it, the essentials like feeding and cleaning out was done but a bit faster than usual. The pigs are fed at almost light speed now as I negotiate the hazards of foot deep mud, bucket barricades, wet rocks, a tree stump and barbed wire fences whilst at the same time balancing buckets of feed delivering the food faster than the hungry pigs can react, I clear the fence on the return journey to the sound of snapping jaws. Chatting to the Stable Sprite last night we pondered whether these little pigs were hungry hence their aggitation, so I have upped the feed by a third. Early days yet but I can report that the extra feed has made no difference and I think they just view trying to bite me as sport.

Stable Sprites pig is poorly today, Jess, the mum of the piglets below had to have the vet out as she was in danger of prolapsing, poor pig. This was very upsetting for him, almost as much as being described as 51 in yesterdays blog, when in fact he is only 50. Sorry.

Anyway back to Tracey. She was exempted from getting coated in mud today as its her Birthday and so was allowed to stay indoors, avoiding the summer rainstorms. Instead she was treated to a nice breakfast of pancakes and a huge lunch with her Mum, Beth and Tom. Presents included geese, chickens, a trip to the poultry market, the promise of a new duck and goose house (anyone spot a theme here?) and various girly items.

The goose and duck houses are to built by yours truly and as I am to Carpentry as Stalin was to Social Work, we are all looking forward to see how this project pans out!

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