Thursday 6 October 2022

Pick a window

The plan for a mad dash to Ben Nevis for a team day was scratched once the weather forecast was heard
and after many alternatives explored
there seemed to be a chance of a weather window 
on the Rhinogs, and so we went for it.
And lo! we had sunshine 
not wall to wall or in Keeeefs case fall to fall
but lots of it 
which is a good thing on a mountain like 
the Rhinog.
At times the weather closed in 
and waterproofs were needed 
and on the descent it rained hard
by the time 
we got to the chosen lunch stop 
it was back to sunshine
team selfie
no real dogs were on this expedition 
So as this was a team building day 
it was time for
a wild water swim.
My team mates had the luxury of wet suits 
which were very flattering as well as warm
whereas yours truly manned up and wore t shirt and shorts as usual.
It was refreshing
and reminded us of how lucky we were not to be aquatic animals.
Back on dry land a rainbow heralded the end of the adventure. Til the next one. 

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