Little t liked the falling down chapel,

and the empty house was looking good as a fixer upper

looking even more idylic when the horsey types apeared

but the view across the road was a clue that it wasnt so peacefull all the time. The Quarry bought most of the propertys close to it so as to have a free reign on noise, dust and digging.

Back at the ranch the pigs got mucked out and the doings spread over the garden in the hope that it will add some fertility to the heavy clay "soil". The plan to build raised beds with the tyres is still a plan, several hours of the day that could have been spent doing that was in fact spent assembling another Chinese import for little t's birthday, a sitinpushalonglooknopedals car, its red so it goes faster, but as this plastic kit was put together while watching the defeat of England at the hands of Wales it wasnt all time wasted.
Final tasks of the day apart from the evening routine was to make a birthday cake for tomorrows birthday tea. The kitchen now looks like a scene from Saw3D as yours truly had an accident with the red food colouring and in trying to make amends actually made it a whole lot worse. A little red food colouring goes an awful long way. Its now late and I feel like as tired as little t looked at the end of our trek. Tomorrow our pigs arrive from the land of the Stable Sprite. Another early start if we are going to fit all of tomorrow in.
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