Sunday 4 April 2010

Christmas Dinner

We celebrated Easter by having Christmas dinner. Ben bought us Christmas in a lorry last year as we were a bit financially embarrassed, we also a bit embarrassed to tell him we had already got Christmas dinner and it was in the freezer. So as it was Easter Day and Ben and Beth were here to dinner we had the spare Turkey.

You could tell it was Easter by the number of eggs around Rock HQ. Ben had remembered just in time that the day is usually celebrated by giving chocolate eggs and found the only three Cadbury Caramel mini eggs left on the garage shelf on his way over which was just enough for me, Tracey and Beth to have one each. I found a nest of Bantam eggs and hidden in the goat house our first two goose eggs of the season. Even more exciting than that find was our first runner duck egg hidden close by.

All this paled into insignificance as the incubator revealed another potential Christmas Dinner. Stable Sprite gave us some goose eggs to look after for him and amazingly one has hatched out. It goes back to him tomorrow as the responsibility for ensuring his festive goose survives is more than I can bear.

Reba and the pups are doing well, see the Dolyhir site for the latest photos of the cutest puppies ever. She is off her food a bit, not a problem as she is not off mine. She turned her nose up at her usual fayre today and instead opted for my bacon omelette. Its a tough life here for animals.
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