Thursday 19 September 2024

No prevarication whatsoever...

Yours truly has a mountain of paperwork to do so as the sun was shining I took the easy option of ditching the foolish notion of completing anything so boring and instead set about catching up with some essentials on the jobs list. The yard is in a bit of a state, not helped by the new delivery of hay, these 1 ton bales need moving to where they should be.
Today I was not flying solo, Big Dave who is by any measure hyperactive, came over to assist clearing out the stables, The fact that he got to race around on the Daisy the quad bike was an obvious factor in his decision to spend the best part of a morning helping me shovel horse doings. Trailer by trailer load the stables were cleared with Dave racing about at full speed on Daisy, his full speed or stop mentality an asset when you're time limited. 
Next job was to add guttering to the stable, this job had been lying around in kit form for about 6 months so needed doing, and as storms are forecast for the weekend it seemed prudent to crack on while the sun shone.
The runway needed clearing, and gates repositioning to allow the boys, Rocco and Will.I.Am access to food and shelter in the forecast maelstrom.
As an avid arachnophobe coming nose to nose with this giant beastie at the top of the ladder was a bit of a worry but I managed not to scream and turn it to jam, instead carefully moved it to allow the placement of new guttering, leaving it to ponder where its web had gone. 
By mid afternoon gutters were on, gates were fixed, runway clear, new mats were put on the concrete floors to soften the impact for horse turds and the bales were moved. As a bonus the little shits (shetlands) were also back in their field so were unable to wreck all the hard work undertaken.
Happy with the progress made it was time for some fun with the K9's as an alternative to actually having to face the paperwork inside. 

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