Tuesday 9 August 2022

Phew what a scorcher

Its really dry at Rock HQ, our usual springs have stopped springing and so alternative water supply has to be found for the equines. Luckily the house supply, a bore hole has a spare tap fitted to the pump which made 
filling the trough really easy
much to Trevor's appreciation. 
It made a change from the small trickle hes used to.
As its getting much warmer again and no rain predicted for at least 10 days walks have been put back to evenings when its apparently cooler.
The river has long been dry so today we had a walk along the bed
which was a bit spooky, made worse by a herd of mental bovines running up and down the river bank, they could hear us but not see us which added to their annoyance.
These tree roots would normally be under several feet of water
plants were starting to grow where the water flowed
but we finally found some water
which Tasha and Sven made use of.


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