Thursday 10 February 2022

Doing our own thing

Since icanfoster started we have had a GOOD idea of where we want to go
with our ethical and honest agency 
and because we are GOOD at what we do
we like to do our own thing, like sneaking up on wrecked tractors
or wandering lonely as a cloud... this might look like we are having a GOOD time but it 
is in actual fact work, a staff meeting and team building day
in the big outdoors. Its here I tend to get my GOOD ideas 
and it also gives us a chance to 
relax and unwind
and so recharged we can go back to the office in a GOOD mood
having had a GOOD lunch outdoors.
We also tried out our GOOD new walking gear, branded with our logo.
 If anyone is wondering why so much use of the word GOOD, well its what Ofsted decided we were on our first ever inspection. I hope it doesn't make other agencies feel inadequate... Cue more anonymous letters!

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