Thursday 29 December 2016

Lets get this party started!

 Christmas Eve was very hectic, as usual, but not for the usual reasons like yours truly finally realising that tomorrow is the day and presents need to be bought for loved ones. No, breaking the habit of a lifetime I managed to get my present purchases squared away 4 days previously and had even wrapped them. So with a feeling of smugness at job well done I set off to do other jobs that made the day a long and busy one. First the bags of goodies needed to be taken to Hereford's homeless at a temporary shelter in the city centre. This was nice to do but also sad seeing so many down on their luck. Normally hidden from view its quite a shock to see so many under one roof needing help.
 Then it was to the local supermarket where I was roped into bag packing. This I adeptly avoided by standing holding a bucket by the exit into which people felt compelled to bung in lots of money. Job done it was time to go home and get our Christmas on track.
Unbelievably by the time it was bedtime everything was under control and prepared for the forthcoming festivities. Never had such an organised Christmas Eve. Even the critters behaved and didn't cause me any upsets. I'm sure they are planning something, but while it lasts I'm going to enjoy it.

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