Thursday, 28 April 2016

Round one

 Another nano adventure has taken place with yours truly and a non Steve taking on the Kington 8 peaks challenge, an event set for September sponsored by Red Kite Fostering so we thought it best we recce the route and take part. This is the view from the top of Bradnor Hill, the highest gold course in England which as we all know is a good walk ruined.
 Much poring over maps had given us what we thought was the optimal route, the question needed answering as to whether it was better clockwise or anti.
 We decided anti and here we are heading off Rushock towards Herrock with Offas Dyke pointing the way to the Bonsai Mountain in the centre distance.
 A better view of the Bonsai sat in the middle, that would be our destination in about an hour and half.
 Herrock looking over to Stanner
 with a great view of The Walton Bowl below us
 which forced a pose from non Steve
 and the compulsory selfie.
 Looking back to Herrock from the edge of the forest that covers Stanner
 and a steep climb saw us at the top.
 Terrain from this point was more difficult and the only error in maps led us into a massive bramble patch that took some escaping from but soon we had ticked off Old Radnor Hill, or what's left of it after the quarry have hacked great lumps off it
 and claiming Worzel Wood summit where we can see the effort needed and the Bonsai Mountain lurking in the background.
 That done Hergest was the final peak and a gentle jog back
 turned into a full on race to to beat the turn in the weather.
Back at Red Kite HQ, job done, smiles all round, 4 hours 46 minutes, 13.09 miles, av pace 21.53 per mile climbing 2464 feet overall. Route was good, have to be quicker on the day to get in the medal table!

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