Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Kayaking for begginers

 A brief interlude in the rain so yours truly took to his bike, only to find a Kayak would be more suited to the road conditions.
 This is our river lane.
 Having thrown down the gauntlet to Steves everywhere and making them do 30 minutes exercise for 30 days in a row it was no surprise to find the Stable Sprite trying to top trump yours truly by a sneaky bike ride, thankfully I thwarted that plan by sneaking out myself. We met accidentally at the quarry while composing text messages to goad each other.
 Mind you the ride was more of a swim at times, I chose the bridge here as the river crossing was mental. Look at that wave forming just to the right of the bridge.
Further along it was just as bad! But it has to be said, great fun!

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