The morning routine featured the usual evictions from Trixie as I fed the pigs. Once order was restored and the sheep removed from the feed bag I could get on with helping the pigs find water. I have promised not to mention on these pages Tracey my beautiful and oh so patient wife throwing an empty bucket down the lane after the pigs tipped it over her.

But they have got in the habit of drinking a bit and then tipping some 50 gallons of water out of the trough. This is in an effort to keep cool by rolling in the spilt water. They seem to like my latest dog training aid, a water pistol, the pigs jump around in the water spray squealing with delight, or anger, not sure but as they didn't charge the fence and bite my hand off I am presuming they like the cooling water spray. The pigs might be getting some company soon, we are seriously thinking of buying litter of pigs from a neighbouring smallholding.

BBMC training today was a gentle stroll along the perimeter of Bonsai Mountain, we were tracked for a while by a fox who was walking on the higher track.
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