The big black bale lurked in the lane waiting to pounce so I had half a plan charge at it with Rene who in use 28 out of a 101 uses for an Rx4 could be a makeshift bulldozer. But as the whole plan involved unhitching Trixie in the freezing cold slush/snow I gave it and the bale a miss until tomorrow. The sheep and goats are trying their best to reduce its mass before I move it and given its weight every little reduction helps.
Then I thought of use 74 out of 101 uses of an Rx4, gate straightener, this would involve finding a non mud section of track, placing bent gate onto non mud and driving over it in an attempt to straighten it. Again this would involve the application of bare skin to bare frozen metal so I did the only thing possible and skulked off to the cottage for a cuppa where I was spotted lurking with intent by the rayburn.
Tracey had other ideas about what I might do with my now "spare" time. The annex needed to be cleared out. So as I know my role in life, and more importantly who is in charge, I dutifully carried a ton or two of rock from the back of the building and dumped it along the lane as some vague sort of edging. All the wood and off cuts was sorted into stuff I might use now, stuff I might use later and a bigger pile of stuff that really needs burning but looks useful so will be saved just in case. As a champion hoarder I claimed a victory today, hah! How people laughed when I saved three steps cut from a wooden staircase we fitted in the workshop as a precaution against me falling off the gallery landing again. What are you going to do with those they scoffed. They even pointed and scoffed so great was their derision! Well scoff on scoffers because the three long mini staircase I saved for two years was put to good use today as the steps up out of the black hole and into the annex. Tracey claimed that it was in fact her idea to save the stairs but as she made me throw away a basket full of broken airfix models that I have saved for around 17 years today we all know that cant be the case, she is not a hoarder, she is a thrower.
Finally the annex was clean and tidy, and surprisingly spacious without all the rubbish and stone in it. In fact it looked so inviting the sheep decided to try and claim it as their own but being the cruel smallholder that I am they were shown the door.

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