Pigs are renowned for their intelligence. As ever the ones at Rock HQ are the exception to the rule!
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Wild beauty
Bringing a splash of colour to the green menace.
As good as any Chelsea Flower Show display!
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
To the rescue!

Spotty looking good in his panniers taking the time to collect timber just in case the bridge is down. He takes his rescue work seriously. Seems like the lack of pics space has been solved by sending some money to California.
A good start

A good start to the day. clearing out the deep litter from the stable. Experience has taught us not to use anything other than straw for the deep litter, which is why it only took an hour to clean out the whole stable. Theres been a few flys in life's ointment today, Vic needed four new tyres, the furniture company that sold us our new Rock HQ office epic failed in delivering the items in 24 hours and four weeks on still haven't managed to send a fixing kit in the post to assemble parts of of the order and then took umbrage when I told them they were getting the furniture back. Apparently its being picky expecting the right stuff delivered and that it should be undamaged and with all parts necessary. The the techno gremlins broke the camera, the one that's been repaired 3x already and if it breaks again this time we will give you a full refund. This will no doubt entail a trip to the city and me refusing to leave the store until they do just that. I'm not prepared to be lent a pink camera again while they botch this one. And now the techno gremlins have got into the blog and apparently I have exceeded my store all your photos space, so the blog might be devoid pics for a while. Life was so much simpler this morning when I was shovelling sh*t!
Monday, 27 June 2011
Lesson learned
Experience is a hard school, as the saying goes. Our little flock has been hard pressed to find pasture worth eating on the Bonsai Mountain so it has bothered me that one of the holiday homes has lush green grass going to waste, around a quarter acres worth. On seeing Geisha (RIP) undo the gate and let her adoring Ryelands onto the verdant foodstuff I chose to leave them there rather than chastise them. Several days later an irate Murph (holiday home owner) remonstrated with me for allowing my beasts to defecate on his "lawn". I suggested they were doing him a favour keeping the grass down, he thought differently, he would rather mow than scoop fresh poop. So he padlocked the gate and Geisha (RIP) was unable to breach the new security.
So the grass grew.
And grew.
For twelve long weeks.
I saw Murph on the weekend trying to trim the two foot long blades of green with a budget electric strimmer with six metres of cable. After several hours he had managed to clear a path to the door and a small area of "lawn" in front of his holiday home.
On a walk up to the Technohermits abode I saw all our flock munching contentedly on the forbidden territory. Technohermit filled in the gaps, Murph let them in by removing part of the fence, seems he lost the key to the gate padlock. Murph thought that it was definitely easier to scooop poop rather than strim fresh jungle.
Lesson learned.
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Heavy metal fan

I cracked on with the DIY list, uppermost was the need to repair the stable doors that have been ravaged by horses, Bernese dogs and pigs. It looks like giant mutant mice have been running amok. Crispen our Ryeland Ram decided that as it was 30 degrees anywhere other than in the shade it was worth putting up with heavy metal, power tools and my "carpentry" skills.
He stayed there for the duration, only moving when I accidentally trod on him. Door fixed and rehung I felt competent enough to fix the rear stable door which also has a mouse hole big enough for piglets to run through. This upsets pig indoors who finds that she is not able to get through small hole and so sets about making it big enough. Thankfully she was as patient as Crispen watching my duffers guide to door repairs and once it was hung in place showed me how much she appreciated my efforts by immediately sticking her snout under it and launching it skywards. I managed to avoid injury by a combination of Ninja moves and luck as the armour plated door sailed past my right ear. Take two saw door retrieved from field where it landed and put back in its rightful place, this time secured by some real heavy metal in the form of bolts.

Saturday, 25 June 2011
Did'nt you kill my Brother?
Flaming Junes torrential downpour ended some time during the morning, over an inch and a half of water fell out of the skies overnight. Having got used to near drought conditions, and so everywhere was nice and dry, its been a bit of a shock going back to foot deep mud in certain sections of the smallholding. The weathers been weird over the Bonsai Mountain, the hills surrounding us have been under low cloud all day. Rumours of a spectacularly hot day tomorrow are rife but it looks unlikely at the moment.
The days been a balance of smallholding tasks, Tristan and dog training. Small scale farming seems to be a tag event nowadays, one of us going out the door to do a job while the other comes back in to take over childcare. Tracey took Reuben to a dog training class where much to our surprise he behaved himself, didn't disgrace himself by squashing any small dogs and was, and this was expected, absolutely adored by all attending.
Word is out about our love sick bovine, on a quick trip to the vet instead of the usual good morning a ah you're the one was an indicator that someone had squealed. Top advice from vet was that if the Belgian brute had ravished our little cow then that would be a bad thing, she so tiny, calf so big. So we wait and see if she comes back in season in three weeks, if so, no problem, if your idea of no problem is chasing a randy cow across the county. No season means preggers so she will have to have an injection to end the pregnancy. Poor cow.
While dog training was going on I assembled Tristan's high chair and baby walker. I am getting used to doing jobs one handed, covered in sick and balancing a baby on my hip.
Once I was allowed out I set about the Bracken with the strimmer clearing a huge patch. Our hired gun has been back for two more days clearing and together we have decimated about four acres. So I set about the Bracken in the cauldron. About 500 metres from my last mishap with the wasps. Just to prove a point that lightening can strike twice I am currently sporting several large swellings on the back of my neck as, somewhat predictably, I did it again and hit a wasps nest. First I thought it was a lone raider intent on wreaking revenge for the death of its brother but as I dealt with it I saw fresh squadrons heading in for combat so I did what any sensible fat bloke would do and ran back to HQ screaming.
Friday, 24 June 2011
The elephant in the room!
Tristan is an ever growing source of wonder and joy at Rock HQ. His favourite toys are bug (the yellow faced thing) and his new blue elephant bought by a friend who came to stay last weekend. Its hard to keep track of his progress, hes started to pull things towards him, hes ticklish, laughs, gurgles away like a happy loon and has a vice like grip. WooZah found this to her cost the other day as she sat looking the other way, Tristan, sat on my lap reached out and took hold of her ear. It took two of us to get him to let go. Good job Berners are such gentle giants.
Copy Cat
Earl assuming the position taken by Bliss halfway up the stairs. Perhaps the animals know something we don't about this step!
Thursday, 23 June 2011
The call of nature

Lover boy can be seen lurking with intent to de flower our Hetty as we finally got her cornered (this took an hour, several trips in nettles/cowpats/bigger cowpats and water filled ruts) and after another frantic half hour or so managed to reduce the herd of around 50 excited vegetarian killing machines to four, one of which was our Hetty. After an honours degree in swearing she was finally lassoed and the halter put on her.

Which then led to a monster tug of war situation which only ended when she decided to drag the fat bloke trying to pull her all the way to her stall. Finally she dutifully walked in through the door and was rewarded with a bucket of oats while I went back to HQ to tend my rope burns, stings and strong desire for a rare steak.
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Shear fun

Alien birth!
Fianlly the techno gremlin has been evicted, this is how Druid the piglet arrived, express delivery!
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Emergency ward 10

But it was worth the trauma to see these little piglets arrive in the world, there were only two, not named yet, but its the names are bound to be linked to the Solstice. Or the film Alien.

Sunday, 19 June 2011
Fathers day remembered
All three of us persevered and once Tristan got the hang of swallowing it rather than insanely grinning, dribbling, sneezing it out or inhaling it in the end result, aside from multicoloured furnishings, walls, clothing and dogs was that he enjoyed it.
The days been spent in a loathsome DIY fest where the rubbish furniture supplier when finally prompted to deliver my worldly goods delivered fourteen cartons of flat pack, and when opened I found one was damaged, one was the wrong one, another was without a fitting kit and by the time I got to the fourth carton I was lacking a sense of humour and changed my mind about wanting any of it yet alone a book case that was twice as wide and deep than it appeared in the brochure. Rather than cut my nose off to spite an already troubled face I decided to keep some of the cartons which were pressed into action once assembled and am prepared to go to war over the rest when their office opens tomorrow. But by end of playtime I had a nice clean shiny desk and work station where I was able to spend a few minutes playing with my fathers day present, a Lego tractor.
Lego has changed a bit in the 40 plus years I have had it. I can recall my first set, a London taxi bought for me by mum and dad before they made the epic decision to leave 1970 town living and move to a farm, where dad went from petrol attendant to shepherd. So its thanks to them and him that I like Lego (still have all my original Lego in a box in the workshop) and I live here in paradise.
Thank you hardly seems enough but its heartfelt.
Thanks Dad.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Water shortage
Second water sourced drama started when I cleaned out the pig pens this morning, the full water tanks giving the water supply down the far end of the smallholding a useful pressure. So I cleaned out the troughs and hosed out the mud from the gateway. Bridget the Mangalitza that might be pregnant, rather than Pam who definitely isn't, has a habit of tipping her water trough over, every day, which is no doubt entertaining if your a pig, but a biped trying to use the gateway one foot deep in liquid mud, the joke wears thin. So today the mud was evacuated from the pens (a lot was carried away on the paws of Bernese Mountain Dogs). Clean footwear for all. No mud. Not the time then to forget to turn the tap off and give Bridget the raw materials (500 gallons worth) to create a mud bath visible via google earth.
Friday, 17 June 2011
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Street cred

Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Prime pork

2.45 am excitement as I found Pam doing something different, she had got her snout through the handle of her feed bowl and was really rather cross. Then she began pawing the ground and making funny noises. This must be it. 3.30 am I was about to give in and she lay down and began grunting, legs going like she was riding an invisible porcine bike. Nil pork delivered despite maximim revolutions. 4am I gave in and went to bed bed. 5.45 am back on duty, curses, still no new additions. So I dawdled through my normal routine hoping to see some action before setting off across the mountains to work in the valley that time forgot. I left at 6.30. Sat at my desk by 8am.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011
A mans gotta do....