Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Keep it local
We are champions of local produce, obviously, it goes with being a smallholder. So today, as we toiled away on a project behind the green door (which is now a very fetching shade of black) we needed a large promotional poster to cover a large blank wall. Just down the street is a printers, an old fashioned looking place (imagine fairy tale cobbler shop) so I took the small poster we had to be scanned and printed into a much larger version. Communication difficulties immediately made this a huge task. I was definitely speaking English, but trying to get the printers wife to understand the concept of take this picture and make it bigger was straight from Monty Python. Eventually we settled for almost A1 size, providing its no bigger than a half glazed door window. They would phone and let us know when it could be done by. The shop, ancient on the outside was crammed with hi tech scanners and a printer gizmatron that could do transfers for buses. I left feeling good about keeping the trade local and supporting local businesses.
They phoned.
Plus VAT.
Ok when can we have it
We need it tomorrow
Hang on I'll ask(muffled voices, tell them no) He says £36 plus VAT and you can have it Thursday.
I'll get back to you. Now call me old fashioned but if we are paying £36 plus VAT for a large picture we should be able to say when its going to be done by. And lets face it, scan, print, not exactly asking for much, I mean in 48 hours you can get a pretty decent oil painting done.
I sat and seethed. And Googled.
So we will have our picture when we need it, tomorrow. Costing £12. 24 hour delivery an extra £6. Its coming from Manchester way. If we had ordered it from Belgium it would have been £4.50 and £22 for delivery in 48 hours.
Keep it local.
Monday, 29 November 2010
Meals on Wheels
The sheep took advantage today of the over enthusiastic way I threw a bag of poultry feed into Hazel, it split sending its contents everywhere. It always happens when you are in a hurry, similarly Geisha, who has some of Houdini's DNA in her genes chose today to practice her fine motor skills and undid the bolts on the rabbit hutches. With the cry "Freedom" the four predominantly white rabbits leapt from the hutches and vanished. It was bitterly cold this morning, minus 12, so the Berners warmed themselves up by playing in the snow. When parts of said snow started squealing and running around the yard it became apparent that all was not well. Fortunately the Rabbits are quicker off the mark than the big dogs and all were rescued and placed back in the confines of their rabbit palace where they no doubt reported back to the escape committee and fresh plans were drawn up.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Roll Over!

Saturday, 27 November 2010
Easy as 1,2,3!
Friday, 26 November 2010
The Beet goes on
Quite how exciting we had no idea, but the excitement began when Trixie was loaded. Now being smallholders we often have to make do, so instead of a nice open trailer that the front loader tractor could scoop up a ton and drop into the trailer in seconds, I had to throw each beet rugby pass style into Trixie's hold. Built for two small ponies Trixie was accommodating enough to be used for this but the tyres almost burst with the weight. In fact so heavy was the beet that the jockey wheel smashed into the concrete as we pulled away. This called for some trick driving, balancing Hazel on two wooden blocks allowed me to pull the wheel out of the concrete trough we had just dug. Broken wheel recovered we used the farms airline to put an extra 50lbs of pressure in each of the trailer tyres.
Problem solved we made it back to HQ, just as it began to snow. This made any attempt to get Hazel, Trixie and Beets to the root store (formerly a rabbit house) impossible.
So began the long slog of unloading. Barrow full after barrow full taken up the increasingly snowy slope until finally the task was done. As ever I had helpers, a goat that thought each beet was more tasty than the last and kept sampling, from the barrow from the store, from the bucket, from the trailer in fact from everywhere except the big pile labelled Beets goats for the use of. The Berners helped by being underfoot at every opportunity, or sitting on them.
Cutting remarks

Thursday, 25 November 2010
No Show
On the day that the country was covered in snow, the earliest nationwide fall in years, we struggled with hours of sunshine. Our critters made the most of it, so did I, I went to the seaside, work made me. I forgot the camera which was a shame, had I taken it I might have been able to take a photograph of the beach, instead of the sheep.
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Great explorers
A new name can be added to the honorable roll call of Columbus, Roald Amundsen, Shackleton and Tom Maclean (any one who doesn't know who Tom is had better google quick!) all great explorers who set out with a taste for adventure and discovered new lands. Hetty, the Mad Dexter, recently dehorned, has been recuperating in the pigpencowshed, and as Laverne and Shirley, or the best parts of them, are now in the freezer, she has been a bit lonely. Ambrose the potential curry pops in to keep her company but Hetty is on the lookout for a bit of excitement. So today as she was lavished attention, fed from a silver platter, had a fresh bed made for her, a dark shadow stole past as the last of the new straw was carefully laid. Hetty did a runner. Fortunately Hazel the nearly 4x4 was parked in the lane which helped the speeding bovine choose a trajectory that led into the Cauldron. This was all new to her. Pastures fresh. Acres of wilderness lay in front of her. She stood. Sniffed. Stared. William the Welsh Cob whinnied in support. Hetty cast a glance towards him and nodded. Then bolted. She completed the 500 yards in a record time for a mid leg Dexter and ran straight back to her bedroom almost slamming the gate behind her.
Obviously a cow can handle only so much freedom of choice. Or perhaps she spotted the Trolls that live in the caves of The Cauldron.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Double trouble
Laverne and Shirley are back at HQ but in a markedly different form from when they left. Evenings are now spent bagging, weighing and labeling various cuts of meat either for freezing or for distribution amongst pig club members.
Monday, 22 November 2010
Holey cow
Hetty is doing well after her minor op and the holes either side of her head where her horns were are keeping clean and healing nicely. She does look a bit puzzled, especially as she can now get her head inside the sheep feeder without getting into an almighty tangle.
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Back to square one
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Yeah right!
So today when we arrived it was no surprise to find him up to his welly tops in mud repairing a pig arc, his gremlin sidekick racing around on the quadbike on spurious errands from one end of the smallholding to another. Mrs Stable Sprite was sweeping her newly laid yard clean so their oldest son invited us in and after some persuasion offered us a hot beverage. Asked why he was not out in the fresh air with the rest of the clan he mumbled something about mud, weather, animal dung and girls. Seemed he was trying to get ready to go on what the yoof refer to as "the pull". Nice clean shirt, clean jeans, trainers and an aftershave that smelt of breadcrumbs. Apparently the Birds love it. My exclamation of surprise that he was not out helping the others on the farm drew snorts of derision, "Farm! We don't live on a farm!" That's when we saw this cute little bundle in the kitchen getting warm by the radiator. Don't live on a farm? Yeah right!

Friday, 19 November 2010
Tom, Dick or Harry?
Morning revealed the cause. Not something trying to get in, but something trying to get out. An escape tunnel, not sure which, Tom, Dick or Harry, but the routine patrol by William put paid to the monumental effort of Sybil the oldest of our rabbits' escape bid. Not having a TV to watch, or books to read, she has passed her time with subterranean excursions, digging under the door, out some two feet, about one foot below the surface where for some reason she turned right, almost parallel to the bunny house, going down another foot and excavating an enormous cavern. The grand design behind all this effort remains a mystery and Williams heavy footwork collapsed the long eared rodents endeavors.
Sybil is now in solitary with a wooden floor. If she thinks the sound of her baseball bouncing off the walls of her hutch is going to prompt an early release she is mistaken. Meanwhile the Beagles, trained to locate unexploded ordnance and booby traps are carefully working through the tunnels. We hope to have the Corral OK returned to normal by first light.
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Farm vehicles
She exclaimed in horror when she put the seat belt on that A. The car stank like a farm yard and B. She was sitting on straw.
No idea how that happened.
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
New arrivals
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Its all happening!

What did cause a slight amount of consternation was Hetty's disregard for rule following. She, observing the lure of the bucket on the pigs decided that she would not be so easily persuaded back up to the stable to have her horns removed. No amount of provocative bucket tapping could win her round so we resorted to the use of goat again. As before she was lulled into a false sense of security by the presence of the horned beast and she skipped up the track and leapt through the stable door where she waited patiently for the veterinary.
Apollo had hardly any distance to travel to have his operation, but the distance he travelled was quite traumatic to watch. Vertical to horizontal in the blink of an eye. Thankfully we had the vets equivalent of the A Team, and Paul and Iris deftly removed both barriers to Apollos ability to sing Soprano. The collage shows some key points, if you click on the image it will get bigger so if you are squeamish avoid looking too closely!

Apollo really did come round quickly and again thanks to the skills of the vets he managed to get up without maiming himself or breaking the stable. Right away he began eating his bedding, so we knew he was fine. Without so much a cup of tea the vets went into the next stall where Hetty was waiting. She looked for all the world like a Spanish Bull, horns flashing in the sunlight. But Paul managed to get a halter on her, and with the halter passed through a useful knothole in the door Hetty was tethered, unable to move and not needing a sedative.
Forty five seconds later by use of a wire saw Paul had removed a horn, then sealed it with a hot iron. Hetty didn't feel a thing thanks to the anaesthetic and the whole procedure was over in around three minutes (remember click on the small image and it will grow) We now have a cow who looks less like she is about to kill you, the holes in her head will fill in with time, but for now we are getting used to seeing steam come out of the top of her head as the holes are linked to her sinuses, so presumably she could breath through these holes. We have kept her in in case it rains, an unfortunate drowning accident would not be funny.
So that was the morning sorted. Time prevents an account of the afternoon and our new arrivals. To be continued!
Monday, 15 November 2010
Looks like Reindeer
Whilst there Rock HQ was left in the very capable hands of Louanna supervised by Stable Sprite, and thanks to them both all our animals thrived and survived. One of the highlights of our woodland break was an encounter with these beasts. I have for a while had half an idea that a small herd of Reindeer at Rock HQ would be a good thing. Diversification that's the key to smallholding. In the time it took to take these pictures I had already moved three to Rock HQ, trained them to pull sleighs (on all terrain wheels) sold Reindeer safari holidays, where happy punters live in yurts carried by the aforementioned mammals, sit around camp fires eating Reindeer jerky sat on Reindeer rugs and leaving with bags full of frozen Reindeer ready meals. Christmas would see Rock HQ transformed into a magical grotto where little kiddies would spend their pocket money and risk a mauling from Rudolf's mates. These were after all not much bigger than a large goat, OK they had lethal weapons on their heads but they are totally unable to take you by surprise as they have creaky joints which click in time to their movement. They eat the same as a goat and are much cuter and give as much milk, ie. none. They like cold weather and thrive on steep ground.
This sleigh ride of fantasy was shot down by the ack ack guns of reality when the subject of money was discussed. I was expecting a premium price, due to the huge aaahhh factor and the time of year, but at £1750 each I was, to say the least, staggered.
So Reindeer are off the list as diversification projects. I am now researching Zebras.